Note: All pictures that follow are "clickable". Clicking on them will show you an enlargement!
A lil' history ...
This serial LCD projects evolved around a pre-programmed PIC designed by
Peter H. Anderson of Morgan
State University. Peter has been selling these Serial LCD PICs on Ebay
and I just happened to locate and purchased one from him during the Summer of
2005. Peter sells many variants of this kit, one (LCD#108) that interfaces
with the Picaxe 08M (2400 baud) or another kit (LCD#106) that supports the
higher end Picaxes (i.e. 18X which communicates at 9600 baud). This PCB I
designed is based around Peter's Serial LCD #108 Kit (2400 baud) as I planned to
use it with a Picaxe 08M. This project explains how to build your very own
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) for the #108 kit, which includes the PIC and all
other associated components (i.e. resonator, resistors, capacitors, etc...).
You could always breadboard the kit but I thought it would be neat to design a
neat compact circuitboard that will make LCD interfacing easy (i.e. plug &
play). In the near future, I plan to redesign the board to accommodate
both the 2400 and 9600 baud kit version (minor changes needed).
Again, the PCBs shown here are only for Peter's LCD#108
More information on the #108 Serial LCD kit can be found at http://phanderson.com/lcd106/lcd108.html
..more coming soon
Design Criteria Summary:
1) Compact circuitboard for Peter Anderson's Serial
LCD Kit (#108)
2) Utilize all components that came with kit
3) PCB should use mating header such to easily connect to most LCD displays
4) Variable Backlight control
1) ...more coming soon
Building Instructions...
...more coming soon
PIC firmware is property of Peter H. Anderson... please contact Peter with any questions/comments
DIYRC.com therefore can only supports questions/comments regarding the PCB for this project.
Testing and Operation Instructions...
1. TBD
Below are a few picture of
the LCD#108 PCB...
The PCB shown below was designed such to accommodate both types of LCD headers (either on top or on side). If the LCD uses a horizontal, top header, you can simply snip off the top portion of the PCB that is used for the side header connection.
"PICAXE is a
trademark of Revolution Education Ltd (www.picaxe.co.uk)"